`Dunman High School
`26 May


Class Blog
Charmaine Lee
Charmaine Neo
Qiu Rui


Tomato Jie! Diana


Amanda Cheng
Amanda Chia
Ching Yun
Swee Yee
Xin Tian
Yen Lin

layout: x
those were memories
Sunday, December 28, 2008
♥BABY-J 10:34 PM!
I finished the whole Twilight series already. Sigh. I thought I can finish it MUCH MUCH slower. However, frankly speaking, the storyline is .. soso. mm. It's only the characters in the book that is much more appealing. LOL. =P

I'm tired of going down to open my mail box everyday around the 12 noon for the BSP-SAP Scholarship letter. Well, it's getting on my nerves like I've mentioned earlier on._. If chosen, it's worth the wait. Otherwise, it's so torturing. Ugh. I knew I will be mentally tortured for no good. Supposedly. I was expecting the bad news. Whatever. I don't care if I'm right, at least I wanna see it right in front of my eyes ASAP. Gave it a thought. If not in, I will feel much more relieved. Otherwise, much much much more stressful. mmmm. Don't feel like adding anymore burdens onto myself when I had SMP. lol. I shall see when will I reach my threshold. =X

Days gonna go boring AGAIN. Don't feel like studying anything YET. lol. trying hard to resist from Audition. Perhaps I can . Perhaps not. It's boring. lol.

l0st in the runaway`
Saturday, December 27, 2008
♥BABY-J 3:24 AM!
I DIDNT NOE JACOB WAS ORIGINALLY SHORT HAIR. OKay tt sounds real stupid._. nevertheless, he really fits the character Jacob; lively like a sun. hhaha.

P.S. Hope that Serene will saw this. LOL .She will love it ( I guess).

Here's another video! I thought it was rather funny with Edward and Bella's responses about their kissing. LOL. Also, JAMMMMMMMMMESSSSSSSSSSSS ' short hair. he looks cool in it =D zzz. I cnt seem to put the video up here. ugh. never mind. view from this link:

ANother interview ONLY ON EDWARRDD :D WATCh :D

l0st in the runaway`
♥BABY-J 2:41 AM!
I can't believe this. The test I took in Dumbspot about the Twilight book character thingey... EEEEEEEEEE. The answers are awful! Can't it be something like a female at least!? ._. Alright, I'm bored that's why I took all these stupid quizzes. Here are some of my answers for the different quizzes I saw:

EDWARD! (Unbelievable)

CARLISE! (Absolutely speechless)

BELLA SWAN! (Phew, not a male at least)
I must say that this test is exactly the same as the one from Dumbspot. I decided to answer the questions MUCH MORE focus instead of anyhow like the first few. lol. So after all, I still have the character of a GIRL. That's good. lol.

EDWARD! (Crappp.)

SIAN. All these stupid quizzes. Alright, gonna go bathe AGAIN and errrr, continue Breaking Dawn. Sigh, I'm trying real hard to stop reading soooo fast and eager , it doesn't help. LOL. Gonna buy the books soon. Investing on those money that was initially saved up for my 5 books on the 4 books. sian. lol.

l0st in the runaway`
Friday, December 26, 2008
♥BABY-J 1:02 AM!
I decided not to put everything into a post when comes to talking about SMP. haha. (: So for now, it's quite going quite smoothly. I managed to make my levitron floats. What is a levitron? Mms. You shall see it later in the pictures! (: Also we unscrewed those toys. haha. It's quite fun and enjoyable yesterday at Iris' house. Unscrewing, playing, spinning, taking photos... :D hahha. So I guess I shall post them up now! =D

So these are the pictures of a china-made floating pen, which is also known as stroke revolution. (: Isn't it cool!? =X

These are few pictures of a floating levitron. Can you see that it is like a flying disk floating in the air? Can you imagine how long I took to make this float? LOL.

As for the floating globe, I did not take a picture of it. However, this is what a floating globe will look like.
Frankly speaking, I am starting to get interested in this SMP project. =X hehe. The reason is because, Iris and I are suppose to create a marketable toy or object that floats! I wonder how am I gonna do it. haha. REAL cool. =DDDDDDDD hehehe.
Okay I shall end here. Go and bathe and start reading Eclipse. =D

l0st in the runaway`
♥BABY-J 12:23 AM!
I've just finished copying my draft onto a piece of Chinese foolscap paper. Honestly, I've finished all my homework (chinese reflections) very early by typing the contents out, however, due to my laziness, I only managed to finish copying up till now. lols. I am far too slack. haha.

Well, what have I been up to recently? I guess I have not use the computer for 6 days at least. The reason is because of my CCA camp and something you all will never expect from me; TWILIGHT. LOL. I must admit that I didnt find twilight THAT nice before the movie was out. nonetheless, when I went to watch the movie with Qiu Rui and Wenting on the 20th (If I'm not wrong...I shouldn't be), I decided to read the book. Let me get this clear. It is a fact that thanks to the movie, I decided to read the book, however, it's not because the movie is SOOOOOOO GREAT till the extent my stand is swayed and I start reading it. In fact, it is the opposite. I heard from Qiu Rui that the book is far much better than the movie; I must agree with this. So frankly speaking, it was Robert Pattinson (acting as Edward) that made me start reading the book. *grins*. As for the reason, OBVIOUSLY is due to his looks and character. He has character. LOL. I am equally obsessed in him just as I am in the book. HAHA. It's true. =X However, frankly speaking, he don't really look good ALWAYS out of the movie. =X Throughout the movie, he is a hunk. LOL. HOWEVER, out of the movie, I must think twice before saying that. =XXX Here some stuff I came across while surfing the net:

Twilight Badge

Twilight Badge

Well, I took this test about you resemble which character in Twilight. Guess what's mine? Edward. lol. Perhaps I know how my answers lead to it too well so those answers I gave were crap. LOL. Anyways, Twilight is useful in distracting me from Audition. VERY in fact. In fact, I am already so engrossed in the book that I will not take my eyes off it. I'm posting now because I seriously felt that there's a need for me to stop myself from getting too engrossed. Well, because when I get concentrated and focus on one book, I can finish it real soon. lols. So I tried my best to finish the book as long as I can. So I did I guess. 1 day a book. More specifically, is half of a day plus another half of a day. =DDD That will stop me from reading it too fast. haha.

Not to worry this honestly, because I decided to buy the book. I know it's kinda of late. My sudden decision lies with the stupid publisher that closed down. LOL. == Actually, I've ordered 5 Chinese novels from Kinokuniya. It's in a series and I have the first book. Unfortunately, after a few months, I received a call the day before yesterday. Here's the short conver:

Kino Staff: Hello is this Limin speaking?
Me: Yes. You are?
Kino Staff: I'm a staff from kinokuniya. I sincerely apologised to you because we are unable to order the books for you due to the fact that the publisher had closed down. However if you really want the book, there is two left.
Me: ... There aren't any other publishers?
Kino Staff: Sorry, not that I know.
Me: -totally speechless-
Kino Staff: So do you still want to order the two books?
Me: No thanks
Kino Staff: It's okay then. Sorry and thanks.

SO what's the use of getting two books out of five? lols. I wonder if it's due to economic crisis that the book publisher had closed down. It must be something like that. HAISH. I am so unlucky. lols. SO I decided to spend the money initially saved for the five books on Twilight series now. Anyway, I doubt I will find any other series whether is it in English or Chinese that interest me much now since I no longer visit the library. Actually it's quite stupid to buy the book when I am reading them now huh? lol. Nevertheless, I will still buy it for I have this habit of rereading books again. haha. Good books are worth rereading. (:

l0st in the runaway`
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
♥BABY-J 12:15 AM!

70years ago, it is rumored that after listening to this song 黑色的星期天 (gloomy sunday) composed by Rezso Seress, a pianist from Magyarország (an European Country), around 170 people commit suicide. What is the reason behind this? Does this song still exist? Continue reading and euu will know.

According to Meiqi, this song composed when the composer's lover broke up with him. Overcome with sadness, he composed this song. Later on, he wrote the lyrics too. When people starts to listen to this song, due to agony and emotional torment, people commit suicide. Even the people who did not commit suicide after listening to this mysterious song, they were so affected by it. They felt, gloomy like the song title has said. Hence, this song was banned by the government and no longer exists.

Some details:

If you people understand chinese, read this:

当时某天,在比利时的某酒吧,人们正在一边品著美酒,一边听音乐。当 乐队刚刚演奏完法国作曲家鲁兰斯.查理斯创作的《黑色的星期天》这首管弦乐曲时, 就听到一声歇斯底里的大喊:「我实在受不了啦!」 只见一名匈牙利青年一仰脖子喝光了杯中酒,掏出手枪朝自己太阳穴扣动扳机 「砰」的一声就倒在血泊里。  

(One day in a pub, when a band plays this song 'Gloomy Sunday', one teenager drank up his wine and shot himself dead upon hearing this song. Before he dies, he said, " I can no longer tolerate this!"and, he lies dead, in a pool of blood)

 一名女警察对此案进行调查,但费尽九牛二虎之力,也查不出这青年为什 麼要自杀。最後,她抱著侥幸心理买来一张那天乐队演奏过的《黑色的星期天》 这唱片,心想,也许从这里可以找到一点破案的蛛丝马迹。她把唱片放了一遍後, 结果也自杀了。人们在她的办公桌上发现她留给警察局长的信 「局长阁下,我受理的案件不用继续侦查了,其凶手就是乐曲-黑色的星期天 。我在听这首曲子时,也忍受不了它那悲伤旋律的刺激,只好谢绝人世 了。」   

(There was a female investigator investigating this case, however, no matter how hard she tried, she could not find the reason of the teenager's suicide. Therefore, she went to buy that album with the song 'Gloomy Sunday', thinking that she might find some clues afterall. She played the song once, and she commited suicide too. Later on, people found a note on her desk, it says, "Sir, this case is closed; the murderer is the song, 'Gloomy Sunday'. After listening to this song, I too, can no longer tolerate the gloomy tune, hence, the only way out is death.)

在义大利米兰,一个音乐家听说了这些奇闻之後感到困惑不解,不相信 《黑色的星期天》会造成如此严重的後果,便试著在自己客厅用钢琴弹奏了一遍,竟也死在 钢琴旁,并在《黑色的星期天》的乐谱上写下这样的遗言: 「这乐曲的旋律太残酷了,这不是人类所能忍受的曲子,毁掉它吧,不然 会有更多的人因受刺激而丧命。」

(In Italy, one musician was not convinced of this bizarre news. As a result, he listened to the song and he died beside his piano. He left his words, saying, "The tune of this song is far too tormenting, is not what human beings can take it. Destroy it, if not, more and more people will die after listening to it.)

All these are the few incidents of people listening to the song. However, what causes these?

No one can really gives an affirm answer; in fact, no one knows. It is said that the tune and pitch of the song is not normal human beings can take it. It lies with the litmitation of a human being's brain. The following link is what the Japanese believed that causes these:

(*Beware. A part of the song will be played.)
The reason given by the Japanese is trill; from the start of the song till the end, there is the presence of trill due to the original singer. At least, trill is one of the many reasons. In chinese, 歌曲从头到尾都以抖音来唱出这首悲愁的歌曲,所以使人感到压迫,容易产生轻生的念头. Take note, the Japanese video is only explaining the version with someone singing the lyrics. There are people being killed by the original track without singing and with singing.
For the question, does it still exist? According to some websites, yes. However, it can only be found in an American University. In some websites, you can still hear the original version of it, however, only for 5mins. The original track is as long as 40mins. Imagine, hearing such a song for 8times longer than what it's now left. Nonetheless, there is now a singer named Sarah Brightman who sings the remix version. It is slightly different, affecting you much lesser than the original track. If anyone of you are interested, I do have the track. (: It is equally saddening, however, with lesser effect. Well, I have the English and French version. The French version
according to Meiqi, is what you heard in the video. By the way, something to take note, please note that the website given right, has many videos of the programme investigating on 'Gloomy Sunday'. So after watching the first video, scroll down for the second one and so on.

Frankly speaking, I do not really know much about this in detail. The information I get, are mostly from Meiqi and Baidu.

So, is your curiousity being aroused? Other than 'Gloomy Sunday', there are still two other deadly songs being banned up till today. Here is a summary of the three songs:



(In the Western music history, this song is one of the three deadly songs. The composer is an American, when he finished composing this song, he died. Initially, this song is meant to be a religious reparation song, however, upon listening to this song, up to 1000 people commited suicide. Hence, it is known as one of the deadly songs.)


非洲部落的一种音乐。59年前喀麦隆一个部落的人集体自杀而死,据说正是听这个音乐的原因。此曲在同年被禁,并销毁了 所有稿子。91年,有一位音乐家保留下一小段乐谱,听后从自己家的窗户飞身而坠。死前烧毁了乐谱,从此这首曲子彻底消失人间。

(A type of African music. 59 years ago, after listening to this music, one of the tribes commited suicide. As a result, this song is banned and destroyed. Later on, in the year of 1*91, a musician kept a part of the music piece. After listening, he too, commited suicide by jumping from his window. Before he died, he burnt the music piece, therefore, this music piece, 'The Thirteenth Eye' is forever lost.)

Okay, I shall end here! I shall update somemore regarding these deadly songs hopefully. Hopefully is something interesting enough to kill your boredom. (:

P.S. Sorry for my lousy translation for the chinese sentences. Hopefully, you people can at least understand what I am trying to say. =X Also, please enlarge so that you can read the chinese words. (:

l0st in the runaway`
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
♥BABY-J 11:37 PM!
Name: Floating Desk Pen
Supplier: Corporate Gifts Co.
What does it do? The silver-plated item comes with a round magnetic base that means the pen floats as if by magic. If the pen is nudged, it wobbles in its stand.
Who's it for? With its minimal design, this is a great choice for any executive who wants to create a talking point around their desk. It could be useful for a home office goods promotion or for targeting older professionals.

I can only find these... SIGHS.

l0st in the runaway`
♥BABY-J 11:19 PM!
What am I doing now?
Researching on what?
What is that?!
Why am I doing so?
Alright those are just some dumb questions telling euu what I am doing currently. I am getting desperate to know what is that and how it works! So can any kind-hearted person PLEASE explain and tell me by tonight?
P.S. Alright, don't ask me to Google, Yahoo or whatever it people. If there are any reliable or useful results, I would not be posting now.

l0st in the runaway`
Friday, December 12, 2008
♥BABY-J 7:30 PM!
SADDDD. I hafta cut short my stay at my cousin's house due to a 2hrs meeting with Prof. Yau. SIAN. x.x I am trying to feel as positive as I can towards this meeting. TRYINNGGGGG. It just don't work. -sighs- This is nothing good. Time is running out. I have to start cultivating my interest towards this Creative Toy project before next year. If I'm not, I am doomed; DOOMMEED. Frankly speaking, up till now, I have no idea what is the use of joining SMP when I am suppose to do a project I do not have interest in. Okay, it may be my fault to agree to Iris suggestion in putting this project as a third choice (mind you, THIRRRRDDD CHOIICEEE). However, out of all those projects she suggested (mostly in physics and biochem), I am only OKAAAAYYYY with two (I am suppose to feel okay for two anyway). SOOOOO, unfortunately, I got third choice. Something to do with physics. I don't trust myself to do a good job of it. Not that I do not have self-confidence, just that I don't believe I can be that lucky for so many times doing something I am not interested in so well (EOY I did best in physics shockingly). Cut the crap. I hate my project.

SO enough of these talks, I am rather lazy to update my blog nowadays. I've been to Vivo City to so-called enjoy the scenery with Wenting and Qiu rui. We were unlucky I must say. It was raining that day and so the rain dampered QiuRui's mood. As a result, we left early. We watched BOLT. YEAA i love Rhinoo~ <3 awwww="P">

Tadpole-like leaf + twiiggg

According to Qiu Rui, this looks like stingray. LOL.However, where's it's tail?!o.0
Sea View + Cable cars

Christmas treeee~


Okay before i sign off, here's a stupid video for you guys to watch ! =D

l0st in the runaway`
Saturday, December 6, 2008
♥BABY-J 8:51 PM!
Some videos upload : D

ALRIGHT enjoy them :D

l0st in the runaway`
♥BABY-J 7:02 PM!
I'm honestly boredddddddddddddddddddddddd :X I wish blogger have some nice chinese blogskins. sighs. I wanted to have a blog in chinese so that I can post my err chinese stuff for instance short novel, poem and proses, etc. Can any kind-hearted person provide me some help? T.T

l0st in the runaway`
Thursday, December 4, 2008
♥BABY-J 5:04 AM!
My blog is temporarily dead for the past few days as I was LAAAZZZZZZZZY to do so. hahas. Frankly speaking, I am feeling lazy and restless now too however thought I should post since Wenting mentioned about my dead blog =P

As for people who are concerned about my BSP-SAP interview, thanks alot (: Fortunately, it didn't turn out as bad as I expected even though my interview is conversed mostly in English. Another lucky thing is that, I get to decide on the current affairs to talk about. I chose Chimerica. Hahas. I guess I did alright for that since they did not probe or question me any other current affairs. They asked me about my ambition. Haha. I know I didn't and can't speak well in English however, they should understand and know what I am trying to say; hopefully. (: Okay let's not talk about that.

My plan for the next few days is nothing much. This-Next week:

- Finish all my homework
- 8th Dec: Most probably going to Qiu Rui's house for mahjong
- 14th Dec : Going Batam with my cousins and their family(:
- 15th Dec- *some date* : Stay at cousins' house
> Go Sentosa! ;D
> Perhaps Vivo City? =P

Oh yah, I don't really know how are we gonna play mahjong at Qiu Rui's house this coming monday. We do not have mahjong paper, rectangular table, and most importantly, A PLAYER ! SOOOOOO shall see...

Oh and also Qiu Rui lent me her DS. SIGHS. I am so into games nowadays till the extent of killing my blog :D hehheeh. :P hahhahs. Alrights, I wanna go Audi later. =P LATER :D hehe. Shall end here (:

l0st in the runaway`
Monday, December 1, 2008
♥BABY-J 6:38 AM!
I AM FEDDDDDDDDDDDD UP! REASON? AUDITION AGAIN! whaos. Delay for so long in the end no changes at all. >=( GRRRR. wah i am really angry. Dun wanna post about it. I wanna watch forensic heroes. I like 古医生 <3 See his reaction got kissed real cuteeee :D :D :D :D wakakkaka. made me laff ;D Cheered meeee up =D

l0st in the runaway`
♥BABY-J 5:34 AM!

Okay it has been delayed for.. let me see.. 6 1/2 hrs !?! lols. whoas =O I am angry at them for being so absurd and ridiculous to delay the patch time for 6 1/2 hrs! Well is not like I never listen to JJ Lin's songgggggggs just that I cnt wait to see his songs being played in Audition. =D I misssssed club dance while Wenting missed db4. hahas. She is chatting with me now as we exchanged our views on this stupid audition matter. lols. =X

I've been thinking alot these few days, thinking of what I want to do and should do. Currently, I have my plan:

1. Finish chinese homework plus mathsworksheet within 5days!

2. Go ice-skating with Qiurui, Wenting and perhaps Kimberly, Jasmine and Serene the trio

3. Movies waiting for me:
- Twilight
- Bolt

4. Go Vivo City to enjoy the night sceneries with my cousin during my next stay at their house

5. Go to Wenting's house to play mahjong perhaps. Either that or she brings her mahjong set to somewhere and we will play it. hahas

6. Not to forget, going to Sentosa with couz again :D

Currently I can only thought of these stuff. I am totally borrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed. OKay. I will wait for 15mins more for my forensic heroes to start <3 hehe. Before i end, I shall upload Mayday MTV. Please VIEW it!

l0st in the runaway`
♥BABY-J 1:36 AM!



谜底 1好朋友 2终身伴侣 3心灵深处的人 4被你骗的人 5一见钟情6暗恋的人 7初恋的人 8普通朋友 9讨厌的人



A:鲜黄色的旅行车 (Yellow 7-seater car)
B:白色的箱型车 ( White Normal Car [not sure=X] )
C:红色的敞篷跑车 (Red Convertible)
D:蓝色的轿跑车 (Blue sports car)








谜底 1. 选“红宝石”  你会被对你百依百顺会听话的情人泡到:这类型的人在潜意识的性格中很霸道,而且又有大男人或大女人主义,他喜欢另一半是听话又百依百顺型的,这时候他会觉得自己一定要有肩膀去保护对方,对方有什么要求都会想办法达成 
2. 选“紫水晶”  你会被对你很强势又有想法的情人搞定:这类型的人在潜意识中非常的犹豫不决,什么事情都提不起放不下,所以当他碰到强势有主见会为自己规划方向的情人时会很崇拜对方,对方说的任何话他都会认为很有道理。  

3. 选“钻石”  你会被对你若即若离又欲擒故纵的情人泡到:这类型的人很理性也很感性,理性的时候会觉得自己要有主见不要被对方牵着鼻子走,可是感性的一面又是非常的柔情似水,对方不理自己的时候会想东想西,担心对方另结新欢,因此往往被对方吃的死死的。  

4. 选“珍珠”  你会被对你山盟海誓编织美好未来的情人搞定:这类型的人在潜意识中有浪漫的因子,当他遇到会说甜言蜜语编织浪漫情境的情人时会非常沉醉,完全无法冷静判断对方说的话是真是假。




A 集体毕业合照
B 个人艺术照、写真
C 在自然风景区或户外活动照
D 全家福、和亲人的合照
E 童年的照片






P.S. ps. It's all in Chinese. I'm rather lazy to translate into english for those who does not understand traditional chinese characters. =X I shall post again later while waiting for the audi patch to be done.. ><

l0st in the runaway`